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1、Do-Re-Mi 歌词:Let's start at the very beginningA very good place to start.When yoead you begin with—A B CWhen you sing you begin with do re miDo re mi?Do re mi.The first three notes just happen to beDo re mi.Do re mi!Do re mi fa so la ti—Come, I’ll make it easier. Listen.Doe — a deer, a female deer,Ray — a drop of golden sun,Me — a name I call myself,Far — a long, long way to run,Sew — a needle pulling thread,La — a note to follow ‘sew’,Tea — a drink with jam and bread.And that will bring us back to [do]oh—oh—oh!So Do La Fa Mi Do ReCan you do that?So Do La Fa Mi Do ReSo Do La Ti Do Re DoSo Do La Ti Do Re DoWhen you know the notes to singYou can sing most anythingWhen you know the notes to singYou can sing most anythingDo-Re-Mi歌词:Let'sstartatthrybeginningAverygoodplacetostart.Whenyoureadyoubeginwith—ABCWhenyousingyoubeginwithdoremiDoremi?Doremi.ThefirstthreenotesjusthappentobeDoremi.Doremi!Doremifasolati—Come,I’llmakeiteasier.Listen.Doe—adeer,afemaledeer,Ray—adropofgoldensun,Me—anameIcallmyself,Far—along,longwaytorun,Sew—aneedlepullingthread,La—anotetofollow‘sew’,Tea—adrinkwithjamandbread.Andthatwillbringuackto[do]oh—oh—oh!SoDoLaFaMiDoReCanyoudothat?SoDoLaFaMiDoReSoDoLaTiDoReDoSoDoLaTiDoReDoWhenyouknowthenotestosingYoucansingmostanythingWhenyouknowthenotestosingYoucansingmostanything。


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