- 游戏八卦
- 2025-01-05 10:22
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鲁班七号 I'm a little robot with a big gun. What can I say? I'm not small, I'm just tactically challenged. I'm not a coward, I'm just...strategically retreating.
韩信 I'm the greatest general in the land. Just ask me. I'm so fast, I can make a U-turn in a phone booth. I'm not arrogant, I'm just confident.
李白 I'm a poet, a warrior, and a lover. Not necessarily in that order. I'm so good at drinking, I can make a hungover elephant sing. I'm not drunk, I'm just...slightly tipsy.
曹操 I'm a king, and I'm not afraid to show it. I'm so cool, I make ice cubes melt. I'm not heartless, I'm just...efficient.
蔡文姬 I'm a musician, and I make the best of it. I'm so cute, I make kittens jealous. I'm not shy, I'm just...introverted.
诸葛亮 I'm a strategist, and I always have a plan. I'm so smart, I can make a computer crash. I'm not conceited, I'm just...realistic.
关羽 I'm a warrior, and I'm not afraid of anything. I'm so brave, I make lions run away. I'm not reckless, I'm just...determined.
张飞 I'm a tank, and I can take a hit. I'm so strong, I can lift a bull by its horns. I'm not violent, I'm just...enthusiastic.
貂蝉 I'm a dancer, and I can make you move. I'm so beautiful, I make flowers bloom in winter. I'm not vain, I'm just...appreciative of my own beauty.
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