中级口译历年真题2021 中级口译历年真题的听力mp3
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中级口译历年真题2021 中级口译历年真题的听力mp3
中级口译历年真题2021 中级口译历年真题的听力mp3
笔试来说 主要是看你的英语水平和积累 一般现在外面的培训都会告诉你该怎么办
至于口试 因为有题库的 所以有运气的成分在里面 一部分题目和书本上的很相近 我觉得看外面培训的水平也主要在口语这一块
Part A: Spot Dictation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with banks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you he heard on the tape. Write your answer inthecorresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.
Britain is changing more rapidly than r before in her long history. In some respects the new British society reflects general world trends.In other respects it has kept its own _________(1). British society is evolving, that is to say, dloping and suiting itself to __________(2). Evolution rather than revolution or violent change is a ___________(3) of the British way of life.
This is shown in one way by how the British people __________(4). The Conservative and Labour Parties he controlled __________(5) for the last fifty years, but today neither party can any longer be sure from which class or __________(6) its support will come. Not long ago you _______(7) the working classes always to vote for the Labour Party. The' word“Labour ” means“hard work”—especially hard work”___________(8). The Labour Party is the party which is suped _________(9) the “working man”. Your would also he expected the ________ (10) classes to vote for the Conservative Party. The word“Conservative”means “keeping things _________(11)”The Conservative Party is suped to be the party which represents __________(12), businesen and the self-employed. In some respects traditional British“class distinctions”are becoming _________(13), and you can be less sure how people will vote. Many members of the middle class __________(14).
Many ordinary working people enjoy a better standard of living and are ___________(15) any change which might affect them. But the ___________(16) between the classes remain. Many Conservative fear that the sovereignty of Parliament is being threatened by __________(17). Many workers are afraid that the Conservative bosses are trying to keep __________(18) down. But class feelings he not reached a __________(19) yet. Middle-class and working class min can ___________(20) at a football match and be the best of friends.
Part B: Listening Comprehension
Ⅰ. Statements
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear sral short statements. These statements ill be spoken only once, and you will not find them written on the ; so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer chos and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you he heard. Then write the letter of the answer you he chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
1.A. The houses had not been sold until last January.
B. The houses he been for sale for some time.
C. They went to the market to but their house.
D. They he marked down their house since last January.
2. A. Al doesn't he much talent.
B. Al is writing a book on business administration.
C. Al earns more money in writing novels.
D. Al knows more about business administration.
3. A. We knew your phone number, so we called you.
B. We didn't know you were at home, so we didn't call you.
C. We didn't want to disturb you, although we had your phone number.
D. We didn't he your phone number, so we didn't call you.
4. A. The suitcases are $ 19.85 each and come in three colors.
B. The suitcases are ailable in red, green and blue for $ 19.85.
C. The suitcases are nine dollars each.
D. Each color has a different pr.
5. A. Most of the board members didn't like the dress code.
B. Few of the board members voted for the dress code.
C. The director was the only one who was against the dress code.
D. The director as well as the board members voted for the dress code.
6. A. Cathy told the pol about the burglary.
B. Cathy ephoned to say that her off had a window pane broken.
C. The pol told Cathy that they had found the key to her off.
D. The pol was called in to check the security of Cathy's off.
7. A. The mar will spend his summer holiday in the North.
B. The mar is going to he a look at some northern factories.
C. The mar himself will run the factories in the North.
D. The mar plans to retire after his trel to the North.
8. A. Thirty guests came.
B. Forty guests came.
C. Twenty guests didn't receive their invitation cards.
D. More guests came than were expected.
9. A. One dred and four passengers called about the flight.
B. Flight 114 was announced over the public address .
C. Flight 114 was canceled because of the weather.
D. The flight was delayed due to the hey rains.
10.A. Many shops are moving to the suburbs.
B. Sales figure is increasing in the suburbs.
C. Shops in the downtown areas are more expensive.
D. More goods are on sale in the suburbs.
Ⅱ. Talks and Conversations
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear sral short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions only once. When you hear a question, read the four answer chos the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you he chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
Questions 11~14
11.A. The size of the campus.
B. The city bus .
C. The length of time for each class.
D. The university bus .
12.A. The entire campus. B. Part of the campus.
C. The campus and the. D. Only the off-campus areas.
13.A. Nothing. B. Three dollars.
C. A few cents D. Fifty cents.
14.A. Red. B. Green C. Yellow. D. Blue.
Questions 15~18
15.A. Big comrs. B. Portable comrs.
C. Various kinds of comrs. D. Three types of machines.
16.A. Only big comrs. B. Only portable comrs.
C. Various kinds of comrs D. Three types of machines.
17.A. Professional people only.
B. Large department stores.
C. Small businesses, large companies and professional people.
D. School children and university students.
18.A. International Business Machines Corporation.
B. Internal Business Machine.
C. Iron Beam Machining Company.
D. Iron Boat Machine Corporation.
Questions 19~22
19.A. From a textbook. B. From the evision.
C. From a periodical. D. From a lecture.
20. A. How trees are grown in America.
B. How is made from trees.
C. The quality of used in America.
D. The amount of that Americans use.
21. A. 15 million tons. B. 50 million tons.
C. 85 million tons. D. 850 million tons.
22. A. Cut down more trees. B. Use less .
C. Produce more . D. Read more about the problem.
Questions 23~26
23. A. Artificial plants.
B. Plants in plastic containers.
C. Plants that resemble plastic.
D. Plants that produce a usable substance.
24. A. It lasts longer. B. It is more artificial.
C. It is easy to make in a laboratory. D. It is good for the environment.
25. A. It biodegrades slowly. B. It kills plants.
C. People nr throw it away. D. It is not very strong.
26. A. Engineering. B. Art.
C. Botany. D. Geology.
Questions 27~30
27. A. Because there were so many clr boys at that time.
B. Because they could provide free education for clr boys from poor families.
C. Because the government planned to give free education to all the poor children.
D. Because the government wanted to dlop a new school examination .
28. A. They are more than 120 years old.
B. They are open to all pupils.
C. They are very expensive.
D. They become aller and aller in size.
29. A. Prepare children for the public school examination.
B. Produce Britain's most famous men and women.
C. Train pupils to live and stay at public schools.
D. Enroll pupils who are not admitted by public schools.
30. A. Overseas B. Cities
C. Sub areas D. Upper classes
Part C: Listening and Translation
Ⅰ. Sentence Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences only once. After you he heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
Ⅱ. Passage Translation
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. You will hear the passages only once. After you he heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.
《新东方 中级口译口试速记100篇》(汪亮编著)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读
书名:《新东方 中级口译口试速记100篇》
一、笔 试
1、听力: 听力复习最有效果的方法是听写训练加模拟练习题。所谓听写就是MP3放一句,暂停,写下来再放后一句,如此循环听完一篇文章后,如果自己觉得不怎么样就再来一次,但是次的听写稿要撕掉,拿一张白纸重写,切忌看着次的听写稿作修改补充,那样没用的。写完后和正确对一下,错误的地方再针对地听,看看自己为什么没听出来,是因为连读、失爆,还是别的什么原因,这个搞懂了你就提高了。
二、口 试
1、口语:从笔者的个人经验来看,从拿到口语题目到考试,给你的时间远远多于5分钟,所以拿到题目没内容说是不可能的。偏题就更不可能,但问题是5~8分钟可以写出很充实的提纲却不可能写正文。也就是说所谓考口语,考的就是如何在脑子里有一句话准备好的情况下考试时当场编几句相关的废话,中间停顿还不能太多,否则直接判为不及格。那么怎么练习就很明朗了,重点要放在流畅不结巴上而不是我到底讲的什么内容。笔者的做法是随便想一道题目,关于学习的、发展的、经济的……随便,在2分钟内把提纲写在纸上,再用1分钟浏览几遍,然后就对着镜子说。刚开始练很痛苦,磕磕绊绊说了两三句就没话了,然后就是一脸的痛苦状,万般纠结。之所以用镜子是为了让你看到自己在考场上可能会出现的表情,学着控制焦 躁 和紧张的表情,因为那会给考官强烈的心理暗示,你这个人不行。在主观性这么强的考试中,教官对你的印象比你自己的实际水平重要得多。每次练习保证说10分钟以上,没有重大停顿,语速开始练习时稍慢,VOA Special那样就可以了。一天练一次就可以了,如果你够毅力坚持说1个月以上,你会发现自己的陈述内容很浅,废话连篇,但是语言较连贯,语速也足够快,这不是好的presentation,但应付考试足够了。
2、口译: 口译考4段,16句,8句中翻英,8句英翻中,20秒内翻译出来2/3的内容就算正确,但是主语、宾语和情感色彩如果错误就判定为错误,11句或以上正确就通过。由此可见口译时还是把握句子内的名词最重要。平时可以用音频自己模拟训练,放一段,同时速记,MP3的声音一停就马上开口翻译,“马上开口”是模拟训练的精髓,练的就是这种能力,看你怎么样在有的内容已经想好怎么翻,有的却还在纠结,没时间多想就要开口,边说前半句的翻译,一边大脑又在摸索后面怎么翻,要练这种一心两用的本事。模拟练习次数多了自然就有感觉。要提醒一点,口译教程16套题目一定要好好做,像考试那样的做,尤其是4套新加的,句子长、时间少,有的还有文言文色彩,更要做不止一遍,而且必须像考试那样的听译,不能视译,否则是浪费时间。从笔者的体会来看,实际考试难度就和4套不多,答题时间感觉更短。 ;
2.如果觉得自己没有头绪的话,可以报个班级啊,新东方不错的,他们有专门针对中级口译考试应试技巧的 班级哦,,
您可以直接报读新东方的中级口译强化班,费用是1880,有教材的,所以如果你要读的话,先不要买书,一般这个课程读完3个月内参加考试,现在可以选择春季的周末班 或者是暑的每天读的课程,就看您自己的选择了。
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