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孤岛危机僵尸刷新 孤岛危机bug


不 孤岛危机刚通关 现在正在过弹头 不仅不 也不像半条命那样非常恶心 虽然也是异形生物 但是很潇洒的 画面很不错 只是配置有点高 这个游戏属科幻类的 不是惊悚游戏

孤岛危机僵尸刷新 孤岛危机bug孤岛危机僵尸刷新 孤岛危机bug

孤岛危机僵尸刷新 孤岛危机bug



,到处是骷髅,呼呼 我就玩了一次,晚上老做噩梦

不会 就普通的fps游戏 枪战游戏 不是僵尸类的




680全开35。780 能50不错了

孤岛危机1是少有的支持双显卡 三显卡的游戏。



这是2007年的游戏,你用2013 2020标准去看。




BackupNameAttachment=" Build(690) Date(04 Apr 2011) Time(22 40 12)" -- used by backup

Log Started at Monday, April 04, 2011 22:40:12

Running 32 bit version

Executable: F:Crysis WARHEADCrysis WARHEADBin32Crysis.exe



Using STLport C++ Standard Library implementation

--- CPU detection ---

Total number of logical processors: 4

Number of ailable logical processors: 4

Processor 0:

CPU: AMD AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor

Family: 15, Model: 4, Stepping: 3

FPU: On-Chip

CPU Speed (estimated): 3210.699702 MHz

MMX: not present

SSE: present

3DNow!: present

Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 1:

CPU: AMD AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor

Family: 15, Model: 4, Stepping: 3

FPU: On-Chip

CPU Speed (estimated): 3210.708566 MHz

MMX: not present

SSE: present

3DNow!: present

Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 2:

CPU: AMD AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor

Family: 15, Model: 4, Stepping: 3

FPU: On-Chip

CPU Speed (estimated): 3210.703197 MHz

MMX: not present

SSE: present

3DNow!: present

Serial number not present or disabled

Processor 3:

CPU: AMD AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor

Family: 15, Model: 4, Stepping: 3

FPU: On-Chip

CPU Speed (estimated): 3210.700874 MHz

MMX: not present

SSE: present

3DNow!: present

Serial number not present or disabled

Total number of cores: 4

Number of cores ailable to process: 4


Windows XP 64 bit SP 2 (build 5.1.2600)

System language: Chinese (Simplified)

Windows Directory: "C:Windows"


Installation of KB940105 hotfix required: no! (either not needed or already installed)

Local time is 22:40:12 04/04/11, running for 95 minutes

4095MB physical memory installed, 2790MB ailable, 4095MB virtual memory installed, 31 percent of memory in use

PageFile usage: 72MB, Working Set: 53MB, Peak PageFile usage: 72MB,

Current display mode is 1440x900x32, (Unknown graphics card)

IBM enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard and 3+ button mouse installed


Stream Engine Initialization

Network initialization

[net] using null socket io mament

Physics initialization

MovieSystem initialization

Renderer initialization




Error loading DLL: CryRenderD3D10.dll, error code 126

Last System Error: 找不到指定的模块。

Windows XP 64 bit SP 2 (build 5.1.2600)

System language: Chinese (Simplified)

Windows Directory: "C:Windows"


Installation of KB940105 hotfix required: no! (either not needed or already installed)

Local time is 22:40:16 04/04/11, running for 95 minutes

4095MB physical memory installed, 2715MB ailable, 4095MB virtual memory installed, 33 percent of memory in use

PageFile usage: 111MB, Working Set: 107MB, Peak PageFile usage: 129MB,

Current display mode is 1440x900x32, (Unknown graphics card)

IBM enhanced (101/102-key) keyboard and 3+ button mouse installed


Crysis.exe Used in module:12960 Allocations:52

CrySystem.dll Used in module:29485544 Allocations:18303

CryNetwork.dll Used in module:14624 Allocations:169

CryPhysics.dll Used in module:583972 Allocations:7

CryMovie.dll Used in module:128 Allocations:1


3) function=0x3655748A

2) function=0x36557564

1) function=0x36557564


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