小升初微积分 小学微积分什么意思
- 游戏心得
- 2025-02-28 05:07
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1、1小时40分=5/3小时 5/3 2=11/3小时,如果甲乙同时出发,乙将会比甲早11/3小时到达。如果乙和甲行驶同样时间,则能多行:11/3×(16 44)=220
小升初微积分 小学微积分什么意思
小升初微积分 小学微积分什么意思
3.120×2÷40=6(小时) 12-7=5(小时)
丙速度 120-40-20=60(千米/小时)
4.(2+3)×60×12=3600(米) 3600÷90=40(转) 40÷2=20(次)
5. 4.5+5.5=10(小时) 10÷(3+1)=2.5(小时) 150÷2.5=60(千米/小时)
60÷3=20(千米/小时) 60÷(3-1)=0.5(小时) 0.5×60=30(千米)
我后面回答的人肯定都是我的,请楼主采纳我的, 我是最辛苦的呀
第二题设小孩有x人,由题意2(3x+4)=7x-5,解得x=13 所以有橘子43个,桃子86个
第三题 AB相距1205=600km,甲丙相距620=120km所以会在120/120+60=2/3小时后相遇
第四题 画某某图解决,忘了叫啥了,画完自己数数两条直线交了几次,就是相遇了几次
第5题 来回坡共用了4.5+5.5=10小时,所以平均速度为30km/h,所以上坡速度为15km/h,下坡速度为45km/h 剩下的自己算
Easy to overlook the answer"
Fact is stranger than fiction, we also he many interesting mathematical kingdom. For example, in the ninth book, I now he a problem in the workbook, education, said: "this is a passenger train to the west, the east from 45 kilometers per hour line, stop, then after 2.5 hours just what the halfway point of the two cities from 18 km, two things WangXing? How many kilometres from town with the all English in this problem, the calculation mod and the results are not the same. XingSuan king of the number of kilometers than all calculates km less, but the results of the two to say. This is why? You want to come? You count them two listed in the results." Actually, this problem is we can very quickly made a kind of mod is: 45 x 2.5 = 112.5 (km), 112.5 + 18 = 130.5 (km), 130.5 2 = 261 (km), but look close scrutiny, he felt soming was wrong. Actually, here we overlooked a very important conditions, "this is just what the halfway point of the city from the conditions of 18 kilometers away from" the word ", not to say, or more than halfway point. If it is not from the middle point to 18 kilometre, column type is the front, if is a kind of more than 18 kilometers halfway, column type should is 45 by 2.5 = 112.5 (km), 112.5-18 = 94.5 (km), 94.5 x 2 = 189 (km). So the correct answer is: 45 x 2.5 = 112.5 (km), 112.5 + 18 = 130.5 (km), 130.5 2 = 261 (km) and 45 x 2.5 = 112.5 (km), 112.5-18 = 94.5 (km), 94.5 x 2 = 189 (km). Two answers, i.e. WangXing answers with the all English answer is full.
In the daily learning, often he many problems, aim to answer is more in pract or neglected in the exam, we need to carefully examines the topic is, life experience, close scrutiny, correct understanding of cet4. Otherwise easily overlooked the mistake, the biased.
About "0"
0, it is the earliest human contact number. Our ancestors started only know no and he no is 0, 0, so did? Remember the elementary school teacher once said, "any number of minus itself is equal to 0, 0 means without number." That is simply not true. We all know that the 0 degrees centigrade thermometer said the freezing point of water (i.e. a standard under the pressure of the mixture of water temperature), including 0 is solid and liquid water differentiator. But in Chinese characters, 0 means that a zero, such as: 1 more pieces), Decimal pure. 2) not certain units... Thus, we know that the "no amount is 0, but not without number, 0 solid and liquid said the differentiator, etc."
"Any divided by 0." no significance for This is the primary school teacher still talking to a conclusion about the "0", then the division (primary) is divided into sral copies will be a, how much each. A whole cannot into a "0" no significance. Then I realized the a / 0 0 0 to limit can be expressed in the variable (a variable in the process of changing its absolute than any all forr is itive), shall be equal to a variable in the infinite (changes in its absolute than any big is itive). Get a theorem about 0 "zero limits of variables, called an infinitesimal".
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