- 游戏资讯
- 2025-03-26 10:11
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A Review of Robinson Crusoe--《鲁宾逊漂流记》读后感
This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular aenture novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and becomes self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday become close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.
Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature.
My one breath reads off the fairy tale which "Sea Daughter" this Anderson writes to give me to be specially deep. "Sea Daughter" this article rybody is certainly very familiar! "Sea Daughter" in the fairy tale leading character lives in the sea deep place, is a mermaid. She might pass for more than 300 years years in the seabed world, then changed into the froth, finished her life happiness. Her life is longer than sral times the humanity, but she does not he the human unique that kind “not to extinguish the soul”. In order to obtain this inspiration she to give up in the sea life, she endures these pain from already the fish tail changed into a two person leg. Afterward she liked a prince, obtained a humanity's soul. That prince and the world female has married, her hope did not he. If she continues to become “the sea daughter”after must assassinate that prince, may return to her in the family member, returns to belongs to her from already world. But she does not he to do this actually from has thrown in entering the sea to change into the froth. I like "Sea Daughter". It caused me to understand the life was valuable. Must he the strong will in anticipation in any suce, goes brely facing it. In this book, I he not only known some happy stories, but also receives the very big inspiration education.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is where Harry Potter and his friends learned about magic.
Main Characters:Harry Potter is an 11 year old boy who’s parents died, and he goes to Hogwarts.
Ron Weasley is an 11 year old boy who has 5 brothers and 1 sister, and he goes to Hogwarts.
Hermione is a 10 year old girl who likes learn a lots , and she goes to Hogwarts.
Quirrell is Hogwarts’s teacher,Voldemort’s er.
Voldemort is an evil guy of the magic world.
Climax:Harry nr thought Quirrell was ing Voldemort. Quirrel cought Harry and let him to get the Philospher’s stone, but when Harry got it, he didn’t give it to Quirrell, and Voldemort came out,from the back of Quirrell’s head!And Voldemort orderd Quirrell to catch Harry and get the stone, but when Quirrell touched Harry, his body dissolved,and then he died.
Conclusion:Harry defeated Voldemort, and the year has finished,it’s time for the school cup,Gryffindor was in last , but 4 more things let them win!
First is for Ron, because he play the best of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years,he got 50 points.Second is for Her mione,for the use of cool logic in the face fire,she got 50 points.Third is for Harry, who defeated Voldemort, get the stone, he got 60 points for that!Last, for Neville,he got 10 points for his moxie,and Gryffindor won!
This story represents a very original forces, the boss is very stingy done in a Christmas dream, then he changed his views and see how to use their money to others, charity! I hate that mean the original owner, since he has so much money, but not always others. Although money is very important, to live in this world money is totally unacceptable and if the money can live a life on, let the world, more people happy, they should spend the money to, because it values. Fortunay, the boss wake up later, the others will be happy to know the truth themselves happy to a disabled child, for their family and their assistants toger after a happy Christmas!
i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happiness in his heart .
17th century English related witchcraft superstition is extremelyserious, many rybody because are accused but to suffer in vain forthe sorcerer the fatal disaster. This all story is Zhan Nite abouther whole family pitiful bitter experience narration. Zhan Niespecially told this story the time is in 1634, at that time her onlythen 9 years old, because are actually accused to imprison for thesorceress in the Lancaster castle jail. Before this her maternalgrandmother, the mother and elder brother are all treated as thesorcerer to execute.
卖火柴的女孩(Sell to the girl of the match)
After the little girl who sells the match who reads Anderson's fairy tale, I can't crying . " sold the little girl of the match "ing , this text has reflected the grimness that treats the all and weak force in unfairness and people of the human society. I am happpy that I live in such a happy and happy big family.
As soon as I really extremely sympathize with the miserable experience that is sold to the little girl of the match, I hate the capitali further. Seeing our socialist China again, children wear the neat clothes, eat the delicious meal, live in the comfortable room , still can carry the schoolbag and study knowledge in the bright classroom ry day, how happy our life is! I am really proud of socialist life in order to live! Compared with her we, true and already very happy.
She hopes to stay with family, with grandmother, live a ordinary and happy life, it is obvious, in her eyes, happy life is with family laughs heartily, no matter how poorly, how bitterly the happy one lives. In our economy is dloped, make the country prosperous in the society stablizing the country, can't be more ordinary. We live and pamper imagination on the future in the light and warm society, we he beautiful attire, there are good study environments. It is the day carefree to pass and he. Can sell to the little girl of the match ? She hopes to he an intact family! The bright hope that I am concealed in the heart by the little girl is moved. The little girl who sells the match lets me understand a lot of reasons, let me know how to treasure today's happy life.
When I open "Monkey", always has the different mood.It in four given names, is most spirited, childhood I read it to come always to think both satisfy a cring interesting and.But today, invariable is at this time that grotesque and gaudy, the color variegated myth world, my comprehension changed actually.
This is the classical writings which all people all like reading, each people all can when unscrambles it gain the different feeling and the enlightenment, some people like its bright character individuality; Some people like its magnifnt overall image; Some people like it lively humorous dialogue aside; Some people also study its historical perspective, the social phenomenon.But but in my opinion, in he that winding plot conceals the people to long for may not and the life ideal and the human nature pursue, that is - - free.
What a bre and kind girl! She is a rich family's princess,her father really love Al ago,Howr, once her father had soming wrong in the accident,so the teacher was cruelty to Al,but I find that the Al is very bre and outgoing,she nr said someting scared or soming bad,she just continue and grow,soon,a cle was that Al get a friend of her father,so she could get a good life and start a happy life again,yeah, Al is a good princess,
As a little princess, she didn't hate nobody n her teacher a terrible miss.
At the moment, I just want to say that soming you should insist,a good sentence,All road lead to the Rome,and Everything is sible, she can be a srnt from a princess,but after she insist,so she become a princess again,
I like the girl-Al,
Today I saw the farmer and the snake "fable story. This story to us on a cold winter, a farmer was in a hurry to move on, and found that the snow has a frozen snake, the farmer felt poor snake, the snake in his bosom, and with their own warm temperature, the snake woke up, wake up already after the bite the benefactor.
Fable to our inspiration is; Even if the wicked show extremely forbearance, their evil nature is nr change..
Where is his happiness from The Elephant Man is a story about a ugly man named Joseph Merrick written by Tim Vicary.Joseph Merrick was a person who was so ugly that others either laughed at him or were afraid of him.So he was not ill but he couldn't go to work either.But he was very happy in the last three years of his life.Where was his happiness from? He always kept the beautiful things in his mind.Even when he was kept in the cold and dark little room,he took his mother's picture with him because her mother was beautiful ,kind and the most important she iled to him when he was a child. He was satisfied with what he he.Though he was so unfortunate,he nr plained about the life and the fate.When some peole went to see him,he talked about the books with them happily.So more and more people were willing to visit him. It is not the appearence but the inside of one's charactor that desides weither he can live a happy life. 老人与海英语读后感 The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingway's most enduring works and may very well bee one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my forite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I he read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me. I first read this book when I was in my fifs. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday. 朝花夕拾 i read the book written by luxun .it is called zhaohuaxishi. it includes 10 short articles about the writers stories .they are based on his own experience , when i read this book ,i feel very happy to see luxuns childhood. it was diffrent from ours,so we may find it intersting and exciting. luxuns langange is very great but maybe difficult to understand . but through his words ,we can find his happiness in his heart Hamlet(哈姆雷特) Shakspere (wrong spelling) created Hamlet--a man with wisdom and courage .In order to rnge on his uncle for killing his father, he pretented (spelling mistake) to be mad and suffered a series of misery. On the contrary, we can also say that Hamlet is rude and selfish for he did not think before his rnge . if (Capitalize "If" since it is the beginning word of the sentence.) a country has no king, how can a country keep alive (You need a question mark here since it is a question.) So, ry thing has o sides, the bright side and adumbral side. Every time we make a decision we he to think . Comment: Be careful with your spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Too many uncessary mistakes. It is good that you looked at both the dark and bright sides of Hamlet. Thats quite objective and convincing. 快开学了。。。我很理解。。嗯嗯。。。看看吧: Madam Curie(居里夫人读后感) Madam Curie, a world famous woman scientist, was born into a techer's family in Poland in 1867 and died in 1934. She finished her middle school at the age of 16. Eight years later, when she was 24, she went to study at Paris University. All her lige was devoted to scientific research and her efforts were rewarded. She had won the Nobel Pr . Today, as a famous female, Madam Curie is sill remembered by the whole world. People will remember her forr for her courage, determination and her spirit of sharing knowledge with others At the Tailors's Shop《在服装店里》 After Reading At the Tailors's Shop The text At the Tailor's shop ls us a truth: In capitali countries, money means rything. That is to say, If you he money, you he rything. Without money, you he nothing. It is partly true in our socialist country. Indeed money is necessary and important. But there is soming more important. That is the loving care. It is because of the loving care that the people in the flooded areas are able to get enough to eat and to wear. It is because of the loving care that the poor children are able to he the chance to go on with their schooling①. It is because of the loving care that orphans are able to be taken good care of. Therefore, I do not think money means rything in our country. Compared with the fact that takes place at the tailor's shop, living in a sociali country is a good fortune. We should treasure②our happy life. 【词语解释】 ①schooling['sku:liR] n.教育;正规学校教育 ②treasure['treN+] v.珍惜;珍爱 《童年、在人间、我的大学》读后感: My childhood in the world university "Du Hougan Recently, I read a book, the title is "My childhood in the world university", the author of the former Soviet Union, a proletarian writer - Gorky. Gorky in the March 28, 1868 with the birth of the Russian Volga River city of Novgorod, 1936 passing away. He was originally called阿列克塞马Kosi Ibrahimovic He Shen Kefu, is a socialist, Founder of literary reali , a proletarian revolutionary literature instructor, the founder of Soviet literature. He wrote "mother" and "My childhood in the world university" and "Italian fairy tale," and so on and so on. I read the "Childhood in the world my college." "Childhood" made a all player in Gorky after the death of his father, grandfather with her mother in the host family through the years. During this period, he received maternal grandmother's love, care, the maternal grandmother were on the influence of the beautiful fairy tale, but also witnessed o for the uncle to the family property and fights and quarrels in the life of chores in the performance by the selfishness and greed. Gorky is in this kind of "stifling, full of terrible images in the all world" spent his childhood. "In the world," said the 11-year-old Gorky, the mother also died, the grandfather also breaking the middle class, he was unable to continue to lead such a life, it took the munity. He has in the shoe store, the icon of workshops had been apprents, is also mapping division, and miscellaneous work done on the ship, he suffered the pain of the Ren Shijian. Hours of work washing dishes in the vessels themselves, to get to know the integrity of the Gorky chef Simu Lei, and he started with the of reading, stimulate the pursuit of just and the determination of the truth. Five years later, Gorky, with the hope that the university prepared to Kazan to. "My university," said the Gorky in Kazan period of life. 16-year-old that year, he will he to Kazan to go to college. Dreams shattered, he had no cho but to survive in trouble by the story. Gorky education with me, and I know he If you want to be successful, want to he a brilliant future, we must he a balanced attitude, when you do not lose heart failure, perhaps for a way to be successful. Let me think of this, a mathematical that, I can be difficult to live and think for a long time do not know how to do, we asked my father, my father taught me a way, I read, n Zhedao Ti So , I will not do. Book is a ladder of human progress, and more reading and book useful, reading is really good rywhere!
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