九月的单词缩写 九月的单词缩写怎么读
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九月的单词缩写 九月的单词缩写怎么读
九月的单词缩写 九月的单词缩写怎么读
1、九月的英文是September,它的缩写是?下面是我给大家整理的九月的英文缩写,供大家参阅!九月的英文缩写Sept.九月的缩写英文例句1、35Afghan war ames and children pract walking at the International Committee of the Red Cross orthopedic center on Sept. 10 in Kabul.九月10日,阿富汗的截肢患者和孩子们在喀布尔红十字整形外科中心委员会练习走路。
2、2、The report is published online Sept. 30 in The Lancet.这份报告等于九月三十日的《柳叶刀》在线。
3、3、The United Steelworkers union on Sept. 9 launched a trade complaint against China oversubsidies of its clean-energy technology.美国钢铁工人工会9月9日发出了它对过分补贴其清洁能源技术的投诉。
4、4、ROME - The first prototype of the T129 attack helicopter destined for Turkey has made its maiden flight at an AgustaWestland facility at Vergiate, Italy, the firm said Sept. 28.公司9月28日表示,去往土耳其的架T129攻击直升机的原型进行了首飞,地点选在了意大利韦尔贾泰的阿古斯塔设施。
5、5、The group claiming responsibility for the Sept. 19 attack at Delhi's largest mosque mentionedthis summer's violence in Kash as one of its motivations.对于提到的今年夏天克什米尔的活动,也就是9月19号新德里,此组织宣布对此负责。
6、6、The WTO case filed yesterday was one sl of a complaint filed with the U.S. trade off onSept. 9 by the United Steelworkers union.昨日这起世贸申述案只是美国钢铁工人联合会9月9日向美国贸易办公室提出的申述要求中的一件。
7、7、In a Sept. 9 speech, central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said that spreads between lendingand deit rates maintain the strength of the nations’ banks.银行行长在9月9日发表演说,称利率与存款利率的值有助于维持国内银行目前的实力。
8、8、Sept. 9 was not the first date that caused concern.9月9日并非使人担心的个日期。
9、9、On Sept. 29, the House of Representatives passed a bill with overwhelming support from bothDemocrats and Republicans.今年的9月29日,众议院取得、共和两压倒性的支持通过了一项条例草案。
10、10、On Sept. 26, 1901, a boy named Fleetwood Lindley was summoned from school by his father tosee Lincoln.1901年9月26日,一个叫弗利伍德·林德利的男孩被他的父亲从学校里叫回来看。
11、11、In the studios of a CBS affiliate in Chicago on Sept. 26, 1960, he felt like death warmed over.1960年9月26日,在哥伦比亚广播公司芝加哥的演播室里,毫无生气。
12、12、On Sept. 2, 1963, Cronkite and CBS made evision history with the first half-hour edition of "CBS Evening News." It included an exclusive interview with President John F.1963年9月2日,克朗凯特和CBS以个半小时节目《CBS晚间》创造了电视历史,节目包括对肯尼迪的专访。
13、13、On Sept. 20, Rabbi Robert N. Levine married them at Guastino’s, an nt space in New York, below the 59th Street Bridge.月20号,在纽约59街大桥下的活动大厅,拉比·罗伯特·N·雷文主持了他们在瓜斯塔维诺举行的婚礼。
14、14、Yeltsin shakes hands with children after his visit to a museum in Moscow's Kremlin on Sept. 15,1997.1997年9月15日,叶利钦亲切接待了来莫斯科克里姆林宫一座博物馆参观的孩子们。
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